We are now stocking the Reichhold Gelcoats and Resins which have several advantages over the older types that we have previously supplied. These gel-coats are very high quality, are easier to apply, have less porosity and better gloss retention. There are considerably more resins available than shown on the following pages which are simply a representative selection including the more important resins which we will normally have available from stock. Resins and gelcoats marked* and any other resins not shown on the list are only available to special order. All stock gelcoats and resins are pre-accelerated, except 420-100. The recommended film thickness for all gelcoats is 0.55 - 0.85mm which will normally be achieved by using 700grm/M2 for brush gelcoats and 500grm/M2 for spray gelcoats. Due to the ease of application of the modern gelcoats care must be taken to avoid brushing out too thinly. The following brief specifications may be sufficient for most users, if a full data sheet is required please do not hesitate to contact our sales department. The following information regarding resins and gelcoats is based on results achieved through laboratory test in the Reichold technical departments. The information is correct to the best of our knowledge and is supplied for the guidance of our customers, involving no responsibility on our part.